BrkRaw: A comprehensive tool to access raw Bruker Biospin data

Version: 0.3.3


The ‘BrkRaw’ is a python module providing flexibility in handling data with advanced functionalities that the conventional converter did not provide, which includes

  1. Python API to load data with image analysis friendly image object (nibabel or simpleITK).
  2. The fidelity of correct orientation and coordinates based on the subject and scanner space.
  3. Excel sheet guided automate BIDS organizer.
  4. Command-line tools to help quickly access data before conversion (check data information and GUI previewer)

Statement of need

We designed this python module aims for the preclinical MRI researcher or MR physician who utilizing the Bruker preclinical MRI scanner for their research as well as medical imaging scientists who interested in accessing preclinical MRI data more flexible manner.

Getting start

  1. Installation
  2. How to convert assess and convert raw data into NifTi format
  3. How to convert and organize into BIDS of the multiple data
  4. How to preview data without conversion


  1. Python API - Jupyter notebook